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Adopt Me!
Bella #240315-M
Female Dog
German Shepherd Dog - Australian Cattle Dog
Age: 8 years
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John #241213-P2
Male Dog
Labrador Retriever
Black and White
Age: 7 months
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Ringo #241213-P1
Male Dog
Labrador Retriever
Age: 7 months
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Bella #240315-M: Female Dog
ID: 240315-M Gender: Female Dog
Available Available now Location: Location: Save Ohio Strays
Breeds: German Shepherd Dog - Australian Cattle Dog (mix)
Altered: Spayed: Yes
Color: Black
Age: 8 years (approx.)
Size: Medium
Bella is definitely a "good girl" who has excellent house manners and loves her people. She's already housebroken and has had professional training, so she knows all the basic commands and walks well on a leash. She's 6 years old and a fenced yard would be strongly recommended as she needs off leash time to run and follow her nose. She gets along great with kids and most other dogs, but she tends to be bossy so a doggy playmate who is dominant would not work with her personality. If there is a current resident dog she will get to know them and become best friends. She is truly an excellent dog for the owner who understands that the reason she needs a fenced yard is because she has a problem meeting other dogs while being on a walk. She almost has to prove it to them how tough she is before they even get a chance to meet her. This behavior makes it difficult if there is no fenced yard and leash walking is her only method of exercise. If this understanding works for you she will be the most loyal, intelligent, obedient, well behaved companion. Her adoption fee is $150 fully vetted. Save Ohio Strays does not have a shelter. Our dogs are integrated into their foster homes who can tell you all about them to make the transition into your home informative and supportive. Our first step to adopt is always our online application at Save Ohio Strays does NOT claim or guarantee any breeds given in this description. These are best guess descriptions for breed. SOS NEVER ships pets and will not adopt out to a driving radius greater than 3 hours from Medina, Ohio.
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© 2025 Save Ohio Strays
Wadsworth, OH
(440) 567-3585